
Hi, my name is Duke.

I was born sometime in 2006, somewhere in Terre Haute.  I don’t remember much about my first family but one day I wandered away and I met another dog, a Beagle. He suggested we explore the world together. It was cold, but being a shepherd/husky mix, I did not really mind that but I missed  my regular meals. Sometimes a nice person fed us and sometimes we helped ourselves.

It was not too long before a man, who picks up stray dogs, found us and took us to a big building with lots of other dogs and cats. The people there were nice  and gave us food and water but I did not like being caged in. I did not see my friend again and that made me sad. I did not have a name on my collar, so the people there called me ‘Arguile.’ 

me waiting for the squirrel to come down from the tree

I was only there a few days when some nice ladies dressed in brown, like me, came in and started to look at us dogs. I figured this was an important moment and tried to look my docile best and let them see my big, brown eyes. When they saw how  my name was spelt on the door of my cage, one of them said the spelling was wrong and ‘Argyll’ was a Scottish Dukedom, so when they decided to take me to their home, that became my new name, but I am known as  ‘Duke’, for short.

me in my nice and comfy bed

I liked my new home at once; it is so big and has a large yard for me to play in and there are squirrels to chase. I get two meals each day and some treats in between plus a comfy bed to sleep in. I also got a new collar with my name and phone number on it. I do not have a cell phone but if I get out of the enclosure and you call the number, someone important will come for me.

me relaxing from my digging

I work with Sr. Clare Joseph in the garden and this is a picture of me, digging a hole at the end of the tomato row; I have another hole under the blackberry hedge. I am very affectionate with those I know but as I am a guard dog, I bark if anyone comes by who does not live here.  I work also as a police dog when the security alarm goes off.   I bark at the fox too, he lives in the ravine but he disturbs me when he runs by during the night. 

I AM VERY HAPPY... to be in the company of the nuns whose primary occupation is pray and praise the LORD

I have a very special friend called Kylie, she lives a long way away but comes to see me each year and brings me some very special treats. She likes to stroke me and give me hugs. In fact, I like it whenever I am stroked and brushed but I am not too keen on a bath, this is the only complaint I have, I am really a happy dog and I enjoy a dogs’ life.
