


The Word was made flesh. Alleluia!

Dear Friends, God so loved us, so favored us that He sent His only begotten Son into our world to share our human life and condition. The Son of God was born in the darkness of night, the coldest of the winter, and in the poorest condition in an abandoned animal manger. There’s a great reason to raise our hope high for God is here with us.   No matter how dark, cold, poor, and destitute our conditions of life are, Christ is born amidst our lowliness to share our sufferings, to bring us hope, and to lead us into His eternal, everlasting life.   Let us raise our hope high in This Infant Lord. He is the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God. Let our hearts resound with joy the Christmas song, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”

We wish you, your family, and your loved ones a joyful celebration of the Birth of our Savior. May the Infant Lord fill your hearts with His blessings of love, peace, joy, and hope at His coming and throughout the year. 

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Mother Mary Joseph and your Carmelite Sisters of Terre Haute
