Virtual Tour
of the Monastery


The general layout of a Carmelite Monastery witnesses to the values lived within the cloister.




Enclosure Door

A person wishing to discern her vocation at a deeper level would enter the cloister through the enclosure door... and so we invite you now to come with her, and join us on a brief tour of our monastery...



 Saint Joseph - Protector of Carmel


Our Lady Statue in the cloister garden



Shrine of St. Therese


St. Therese circular stairs


The Hermitage

The cloister grille symbolizes the gift of our life to God and His people through a life of contemplative prayer. Saint Teresa drew inspiration from Elijah the prophet who heard the voice of the Lord, not in the wind or the storm, but in the “still small voice,” recognizing the living God in whose presence he stood.

    Cloister Grille


First, we bring you to the Choir, which is our side of the chapel.



We are inspired by the thought that here we are in union with religious communities, priests and laity of every time, place and language as we pray the Hours of the Divine Office, keeping ever in mind and heart the needs of the Church and the world. 

Our life moves to the rhythm of the Ligurgical Seasons which nourish, renew, and inspire our prayer and daily activities.



In the Eucharistic presence of Christ, we gather daily for Mass. The public is warmly welcomed to participate in the daily Mass which is celebrated in our public chapel. The cloister grill and curtain open during the Eucharist to allow the community to participate with the priest and people.



The cell is a place where she is alone with Jesus.


Each sister has a separate cell (room), furnished in Carmelite simplicity with only the minimum necessary for her needs, where she can retire for prayer, study and rest.

The cell is a sacred space where each nun encounters her Beloved. The place where she is alone with "The Alone," where the activities and encounters of the day are placed on hold as she enters into solitude and the living presence of God. Here she lives the prescription of the Carmelite Rule that requires that "each one is to have a separate cell ... pondering the Lord's law day and night and keeping watch at his prayers."        

corridor_with-nun.png          cell_vertical.png


At our common table the cooks and refectorians offer a loving service by providing balanced meals for the community.


These are usually taken in silence, while a sister reads from Scripture, a spiritual book, a biography or other contemporary source of interest.  Nourishment is provided for both body and soul.

On feast days, anniversaries and birthdays we put the tables together in order to celebrate and relax in our usually lively exchange.


Chapter Room

Here in the Chapter room elections and major decisions take place.




Here you see one of the visitor's rooms where the sisters may meet with their families, friends, and those who feel drawn to learn more about our Carmelite way of life.                     speakroom_frVincent.png




good books are no less necessary as nourishment for the soul than food is for the body.
St. Teresa