Severe Thunderstorm hit Monastery

On Tuesday, June 25th, a severe storm struck Terre Haute. A strong wind caused significant damage to our Allendale neighborhood.  Many large trees broke and fell on walls and roofs. Damaged and broken power lines left thousands without power for a few days. Power crews and tree companies worked hard to restore power and clear the fallen trees. A few days later, we experienced a water outage for almost 10 hours due to a broken pipe. 

The monastery grounds resembled a war zone after the storm.  The nuns have been working tirelessly to gather up broken branches and clear up pathways.

It seemed that we had just recovered from the severe Derecho storm on June 29 last year.   We thank God that we are safe. We deeply appreciate the support of prayer and generous help from our workmen, neighbors, and friends during this challenging time. 

We extend our prayers to all who have been affected by the storm.  

Two beautiful maple trees in our courtyard that provided shade to the dormitory were severely damaged and will have to be taken down.

The Lodge where we host Solemn Professions and Jubilee events was damaged again this time.

A big pine tree smashed part of our enclosure wall. 

Another tree snapped in the wind and crashed onto the fence and powerline.

Many very old and giant trees were downed by 70 miles per hour winds.