Sister Mary Clare’s Diamond Jubilee

On Oct 4th, our community had the great joy of celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of the Religious Life of Sr. Mary Clare of Saint Joseph.  It was a private three days celebration.

Sister Mary Clare entered Carmel on August 15, 1963, and received the habit on February 18, 1964. She enriches our community with her wealth of knowledge of classic literature and wonderful gift of writing and storytelling. She has served many years as a novice mistress, council member, prioress, and the Mary Queen of Carmel Association president.

The choir and refectory were glowing with lovely red decorations, in honor of the jubilarian’s favorite color: red.

Sister Mary Clare’s jubilee gift of red crab apple will be planted in the garden in honor of her 60 years of religious life.

We honored the Jubilarian with a game day.   We enjoyed indoor games like Pictionary, personalized Jeopardy, and “Who I am” guessing, as well as outdoor games including cornhole, bowling, and croquet, which brought us laughter and immense joy.

It was a special occasion to celebrate God’s gift of our sister’s vocation, life, and service.  We are ever grateful for your unwavering support and prayers for our way of life.

May Sr. Mary Clare’s prayer life continue to bear abundant blessings for the Church and the world.