12:30 PM – Mid-Day Prayer, Examination of Conscience
12:45 PM – Dinner and cleanup (followed by free time). The sisters organize the afternoon between Mid-Afternoon Prayer, Spiritual Reading and work time.
3:15 PM – Work/Novitiate Class/Study
4:15 PM – Tea break
4:30 PM – Evening Prayer (Vespers)
5:00 PM – Prayer in solitude
6:00 PM – Supper and cleanup
7:00 PM – Community Recreation
8:00 PM – Examination of Conscience, Night Prayer (Compline)
9:00 PM – Period of solitude, beginning of the Great Silence (in speech and action), which continues until the end of Morning Prayer the next day.
11:00 PM – Retire
Into our weekly, schedule we have incorporated one unstructured day of solitude (hermit day) where the only community act we assemble for is the Eucharistic Liturgy.