Showing 1–20 of 26 results

$7.00 – $35.00
The Annunciation icon captures the moment of the angel Gabriel approaching the Virgin Mary with his message from the Lord. The angel’s announcing hand and the Virgin’s assenting hand appear together in the empty space between them, while the Holy Spirit comes upon Mary to effect the Incarnation of the Word.

$7.00 – $35.00
Unlike the familiar image of St. Michael battling with the Evil One in the form of a dragon, this icon of St. Michael is a special type of icon known as a “deesis” or interceding icon. This type of icon shows the saint or angel bowing towards Christ and lifting up his hands in a gesture of pleading or intercession. St. Michael’s aspect is peaceful and humble as he intercedes for the viewer before the Lord of us all.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon shows Mary bearing her divine Son to the world, both as the Child of his First coming and as the Lord of Glory in his second coming. Mary herself is standing on the moon and is clothed with the sun, referring to the mysterious version of the book of Revelation (12:3). The Carmelite saints who surround her express their ardent prayer written on the “mandorla” surrounding the Virgin: Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

$7.00 – $35.00
8×10.4″, printed, presented on quality matt paper. This icon is a very simple form of the “Pantocrator” or “Ruler of All” type of icon. Our Lord is dressed in shining robes with a great sash of authority over his shoulder. His expression, though, is gentle and His hand is raised in blessing. He is holding the open Scriptures displaying the words: “Come to Me, all you who labor… I will give you rest. This icon is an open invitation to take rest in our Savior.

$7.00 – $35.00
The winged angel Guardian is portrayed clothed in harmonious warm and bright colors with one hand upraised in a gesture that means “fear not” and is also a gesture of prayer. The open scroll proclaims the role of the angel as divinely appointed guardian to each human person, guarding him or her in all their ways. This icon is a sign of the ever present angel at our side.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon portrays Jesus in the half figure style known as the Pantocrator or Lord of All. The Lord is wearing a red tunic, symbol of his divinity, while his mantle reflects His assuming of human nature. One hand is raised in blessing, but the blessing hand is turned towards his heart. Thus the hand that holds out the open book to us is showing us his “heart’s desire” that all his followers be one in Him. That is why this icon is called “The Lord of All Unity”.

$7.00 – $35.00
8×10.4″, printed, presented on quality matt paper. This icon of Our Lady of Kazan is one of great beauty, reducing the figures of Mary and Jesus to the simplest possible forms, basically just two faces and the Lord’s hand raised in blessing. Mary has accepted Jesus fully into her life, and her face is transformed with the tenderness of the divine mercy. There is a timeless connection between Mother and Son, which is offered to us in the contemplation of their holy presence.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon style painting, not actually a true icon in the strict sense, depicts Our Lady as the patroness of the Order of Carmel. She is shown wearing the brown robe and white mantle of Carmel. The stars on her mantle portray her perfect virginity. Jesus wears red and gold, and grasps a sealed scroll indicating his divinity. Mary is holding out the sign of her protection: the holy scapular of Carmel.

$7.00 – $35.00
This is a true icon of Mary as Mother of Carmel. It is written in the traditional form of Hodigitria icons: “She who knows the way”. Our Lady is clothed in the brown and white habit of Carmel. She holds the Divine Child and points to Him with her other hand, which also holds the scapular of Carmel, her gift to the world and symbol of fidelity to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon is written in the Hodegetria (“She who knows the Way”) tradition. Mary simply holds the Child Jesus and points to Him as the Way. She is dressed in the humble blue of our humanity, covered in a red mantle of grace. Jesus is robed in brilliant gold, indicating His divinity. He holds the closed scroll of divine judgments and raises His hand in blessing. Our way to peace, in our homes, our hearts and our world, lies in Him.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon is modeled on the famous “Vladimir Mother of God”. Mary is presented in a dark garment bordered in gold, while Jesus is fully clad in gold, the contrast showing Mary’s humility before her divine Son. Consoled by her Child, Mary nonetheless gazes with deep compassion into the mystery of his future painful destiny, in which she sees the suffering of all her beloved children.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon of the prophet Elijah draws upon the tradition of the Carmelite Order rather than the general iconographic tradition. The prophet is portrayed in the brown and white colors of the habit of Carmel. His tunic is the rough hairy garment typical of Old Testament prophets. His hair is rendered in the style of a prophet, ragged and wild. Its red color denotes Elijah’s fiery temperament. His furrowed face and protruding ribs indicate his personal asceticism.

$7.00 – $35.00
This traditional icon of Elijah combines several events from his momentous life: he sits in front of the cave of his encounter with God. He wears the Jewish prayer shawl around his neck, sign of a man of prayer. The hairy mantle of prophecy and the ochre robe of the monk complete his garments. He stands by the waters of Cherith, where he was sent by God during the years of drought, being fed by the raven God sent him. The mountainous landscape recalls Mount Carmel and the plant indicates that the wilderness flowers in the presence of holiness.

$7.00 – $35.00
This image combines the traditions of East and West in the Church by depicting the Sacred Heart of Jesus as an icon. Jesus is shown in this traditional icon as “The Ruler of All”, with the red tunic of His divinity and the blue mantle of His humanity. His Sacred Heart is enclosed in a medallion indicating His interior, and also suggesting the Eucharistic Host. He is pointing to His Heart as the source of all His love for us, and raising His hand in blessing.

$7.00 – $35.00
St. Anthony of Padua has been a much loved saint in the Church for centuries. This icon, written by Charles Rohrbacher (who is Sister Mary Grace’s teacher), shows the saint with the Christ Child in the the traditional form of “Hodigitria” or guiding icon. He points with his hand to the Child, indicating that Jesus is the One to follow in life. Jesus is clothed in gold and holds a sealed scroll, signs of his divinity.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon of St. John of the Cross shows the saint dressed in the habit of a Discalced Carmelite friar. He holds a book of the Scriptures, which indicates his status as a Doctor of the Church, but he holds it humbly with his hands covered in a gesture of reverential love. This icon takes the viewer beyond the figure shown, to the One in whose presence John is bowing, the Beloved of whom he wrote with such pure and ardent poetry.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon of St. John of the Cross shows the Saint dressed in the brown habit and white mantle of a Discalced Carmelite Friar. He holds a book of the Scriptures, which indicates his status as a Doctor of the Church, and points to his heart, showing the importance of the interior journey. The background of this icon is red, indicating the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Carmelite tradition of the fiery prophet Elijah.

$7.00 – $35.00
The untamed prophet who preceded the coming of the Lord Jesus is portrayed in this icon, with his ascetic face and unruly prophet´s hair. John wears his camel´s hair tunic, and the hairy portions are painted in the traditional color of blue in memory of the Jordan River, where he did his preaching and baptizing. His cloak shows the colors of the wilderness and the dusty desert. John holds the scroll of his prophetic message and the staff of authority, which ends in a cross, recalling his words about the Messiah: “Behold the Lamb of God!”. The other hand is raised in blessing. His face shows both severity and sweetness, and he himself is a monumental figure of repentance and humility beofre the coming of the Lord.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon presents St. Joseph dressed in the colors he wears in Rublev’s classic icon of the Presentation, adorned with a sash of authority, and the Child Emmanuel is carried on his arm. Jesus wears his gold streaked robes that proclaim Him divine, but also a white under-tunic used in less formal “tenderness” icons. His hand is placed in St. Joseph’s hand, which in turn is directed to the Savior. Jesus’ eyes are turned upon the viewer, as if to attract us to His Foster Father.

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon of St. Teresa of Jesus shows the saint dressed in the Carmelite habit of the Order she founded in the XVIth century. She holds the book of the Scriptures, which indicates her status as a Doctor of the Church, pressed to her heart in her ardent way. Her other heand is outstretcehed to ask for grace and mercy. The icon takes the viewer beyond Teresa to the presence of ‘His Majesty’, as she loved to call our Lord Jesus Christ.