Showing 21–26 of 26 results

$7.00 – $35.00
This icon of St. Teresa of Jesus shows the saint dressed in the Carmelite habit of the Order she founded in the sixteenth century. She holds the book of the Scriptures, which indicates her status as a Doctor of the Church. Her other hand is raised in the traditional gesture which means, “Do not be afraid”. The background is red, indicating the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Carmelite tradition of the fiery prophet Elijah.

$7.00 – $35.00
The icon of Elizabeth of the Trinity presents her in her Carmelite habit pointing to her heart. This gesture shows her invitation to us to live in the sanctuary of our baptized soul in the company of the Most Holy Trinity. The other hand holds a scroll with the beginning of her beautiful prayer to the Trinity.

$7.00 – $35.00
St. Therese continues to captivate and guide us by her charm and her thoughtful favors of grace. She has been declared a doctor of the Church because of the wisdom and spiritual maturity of her ‘little way’ of loving trust in God, surely a ‘great’ way for the rest of us! In this icon, she is shown holding the icon of the Holy Face in a gesture that expresses her intense personal love of Jesus Christ.

$7.00 – $35.00
The familiar family grouping of Mary and Joseph with the Child Jesus is here rendered in iconographic language. Mary wears her traditional blue garment covered by a dark mantle bordered in gold and marked with the three stars that indicate her virginity before, during and after childbirth. The inscription by her head means “Mother of God”.The Child Jesus is clothed in glorious gold streaked garments and raises one hand in blessing, while the other holds the scroll of divine judgments. The Greek letters in His halo stand for “I AM”, the great divine name revealed to Moses. IC XC stands for “Jesus Christ, Savior.”St. Joseph is robed in traditional iconographic colors. His hands are crossed before his breast. In the Eastern churches, those who approach the Eucharist assume this posture. It is a gesture of both reverence and communion.

$7.00 – $35.00
8″x10″, mounted on 3/4 wood- $35.00 The Transfiguration icon shows forth the luminous mystery of Jesus in glory upon Mount Tabor. Moses and Elijah speak to Him, and the apostles are overwhelmed with the radiance of the divine light

$7.00 – $35.00
St. Teresa holds an icon of the majestic Christ and points to Him as the way of all prayer and holiness. She used to insist that the humanity of Christ must always be kept before our eyes on the journey of prayer. He is the Way of Perfection